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Independent Artists
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The Rise of Indie Artists: Secrets Shared by Music Stars
The Rise of Indie Artists and How Music Stars are Sharing Their Secrets In the world of music, something exciting is happening—indie artists are on the rise! Th...
AI Revolutionizing the Future of Music
Getting Ready for a Future with AI in Music Last week, the University of Toronto held an exciting talk about how music artists can prepare for a future wher...
Exploring the Rise of Black Indie Country Musicians in the South
Exploring the World Beyond Nashville: The Rise of Black Indie Country Musicians in the South When we think about country music, Nashville is usually the first place that comes to min...
Thriving in the AI Era: How Indie Music Artists Can Stay Ahead
Getting Ready for the Future: How Indie Music Artists Can Thrive in an AI-Dominated World Location: University of Toronto ...
The Rise of Indie Music Artists: Learning from Music Stars
The Rise of Indie Music Artists and How They're Learning from Music Stars As more indie music artists gain attention, they are not just making new songs; they are also learning how to suc...
Duetti's Game-Changing Move into Music Publishing
Big News for Indie Music: Duetti's New Venture into Publishing! Exciting things are happening in the world of indie music, thanks to a company called Duetti. They've just gat...