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Independent Artists
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Exploring the World of Black Indie Country Musicians in the South: A Fresh Perspective on Southern Sounds
Exploring the World of Black Indie Country Musicians in the South When you think of country music, Nashville might be the first place that pops into your mind. However, beyon...
The Rise of Indie Artists and the Sharing of Music Industry Success Indie music, produced by independent artists who are not part of big record labels, is becoming more popul...
Top Music Business News from Last Week: Big Releases, Tours, Awards, and Tech!
REWIND: Up-to-Date Music Business News from Last Week Hello young music lovers! Are you curious about what's been happening in the world of music lately? Let’s dive into some...
Indie Artists Rising: Secrets to Success
Indie Artists on the Rise: Sharing the Secrets to Success There's something exciting happening in the world of music! Independent (indie) music artists are becoming more popular...
Peloton Pays Musicians More Than Spotify or Apple Music
Peloton Pays More Than Spotify or Apple Music When it comes to streaming music, big names like Spotify and Apple Music are usually what most of us think about. However, it tu...
Indie Artists Revolutionizing the Music Industry
Indie Artists are Taking Over the Music World! Did you know that independent music artists, also called "indies," now control almost half of the global music market? This...